MCC Group Mentor Coaching


Thursdays, April 3 – May 1, 2025; 12:30-2:00pm Pacific
Mondays, Nov 3 – Dec 1, 2025; 5:00-6:30pm Pacific

Professionally Certified Coaches pursuing Master Coach Certification through the International Coaching Federation must complete 10 hours of mentor coaching with an ICF certified MCC.  Of these 10 hours, up to 7 can be group coaching but a minimum of 3 hours must be completed one on one.  ICF mentor coaching must adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics, focus on coaching development of the ICF Core Competencies, and span a time period of at least 3 months.

According to the ICF, mentor coaching is defined as “an applicant being coached on their coaching skills rather than coaching on practice building, life balance, or other topics unrelated to the development of an applicant’s coaching skill.”  Because of this, Hawthorne Union’s mentor coaching will specifically focus on participants’ ability to coach on the MCC level according to the ICF Core Competency Rubric, PCC Markers, and MCC Minimum Requirements through coaching demonstrations, coaching practice, written and/or verbal feedback, skill building, and debriefs of recorded coaching sessions.

Participants will be asked to complete a PCC Marker self assessment at the beginning and end of Mentor Coaching to build awareness and support ongoing development.

During group coaching sessions participants will be asked to coach as well as be coached.  Because of the sensitive nature of the coaching sessions and per the ICF Code of Ethics, participants will be expected to keep the content of the group coaching sessions confidential.  Coaches are welcome to bring clients to be coached in the session.

For individual coaching sessions it is recommended that participants provide recorded coaching sessions or coach within the scheduled session.  Individual mentor coaching sessions can be scheduled at participants’ convenience as long as they span the duration of the ICF required 3 month minimum.

Per the ICF, cohorts are limited to 10 participants, MCC applicants must already hold a PCC credential, and mentor coaches cannot guarantee a passing portfolio.

Payment covers the 5 90 minute virtual mentor coaching sessions as well as 3 one on one sessions.  Access to recorded passing MCC Exams are included with purchase.  Coaches may submit a baseline call and/or calls for review at the price of $275 per hour.  Calls can be evaluated as an overview with high level feedback to limit cost, though detailed assessor feedback requires additional time and is recommended at the MCC level.

Payment can be made in full before the cohort begins or participants can use the promo code 50/50 to pay 1/2 before the cohort starts and 1/2 before the 3rd scheduled group coaching session.
