You spent hours researching, you devoted your time and money to training, you hustled to get to where you are, but what’s next? Sound familiar? That’s because we’ve been there. We believe so much in the power of coaching, we will always be furthering the craft and supporting others to elevate their game. For coaches, by coaches, Hawthorne Union was designed with coach support and community in mind.
Hawthorne Union was built for coaches, by coaches. You ask your clients to continue to grow, we invite you to lead by example with us. Our live, instructor led virtual classes are highly interactive, include coaching demonstrations and discussions, and are designed to support you as a coach as well as the efficacy of your coaching business.
How do you develop yourself? Who supports you as you support others? Hawthorne Union’s Cross Street Coaching is an ongoing discussion on personal and professional growth.

You support other people, but who is supporting you? Coaching supervision is “a collaborative learning practice to continually build the capacity of the coach through reflective dialogue for the benefit of both coaches and clients” and the ICF allows for 10 hours of Coaching Supervision to count as Core Competency credits towards credential renewal.
Build your coaching skills with a PCC or MCC to improve the quality of your coaching and pursue/renew your ICF credential. Per ICF requirements, Mentor Coaching is focused on your coaching quality instead of building your practice as a coach. Mentoring and consulting on building your coaching practice and business development is available but does not count towards the ICF Mentor Coaching requirement.
ICF Approved Coach and Facilitator LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® certification will support your clients to think and build with their hands, enabling them to make tangible what was once invisible. LSP can be integrated into coaching, consulting, and training for your clients. Certification includes 4 days of training, a mentor coaching session, and ongoing resources.
The better you know yourself, the better you can lead and support others. Leverage self awareness, common language, community, and diverse styles and perspectives to take your business to the next level. Hawthorne Union is certified in the Predictive Index, Enneagram and DRiV and includes a complimentary review of your results.
Resources we love and recommend.