The better you know yourself, the better you can lead and support others. Leverage self-awareness, common language, community, and diverse styles and perspectives to take your business to the next level. Hawthorne Union is certified in the Predictive Index, Enneagram, DRiV and Hogan and includes a complimentary review of your results. 


Know yourself and your people better. A 6-minute science-based survey that can be used for personal development, hiring, team building and effectiveness. The Predictive Index is a quick behavior assessment that gives you easy to understand insights on driving and motivation needs. individual, team, strategy and cutlure assessment applications available. 


The Enneagram in-depth assessment that provides a comprehensive view of your natural strengths, integration opportunities to balance your leadership and perspective, and areas of growth. Individual and team assessments available.


What drives you?  What drains you?  How do those factors affect your behavior, impact, and leadership?  Individual, team, and 360 assessments available.